Bead string for Ysmay in the colors of her heraldry (blue, red and yellow).
I'm wondering if heraldic colors work well for viking inspired bead strings because of the need for contrast in making a heraldic device. Including both "metals" (yellow and white) and non metals ensures there will be both light and darker colors that contrast well. I happen to think that these three colors work very well together, and as a result, this necklace was a pleasure for me to design and make.
The polychrome beads are based on period Scandinavian beads that I first made several months ago for a largesse gift.
You can see that I've used the leftmost first two beads from the above link. By changing only one of the three colors on each bead I was able to make them work with Ysmay's heraldic colors.
I tried to bring a bit of period "randomness" into an otherwise modern symmetrical stringing by alternating which color annular bead (yellow or red) is next to the blue melon bead.